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This can be you- honest!


Outside: Enjoying family on the deck during the short northern NH summer! Mosquitoes and blackflies are the worst as I can't scratch or swat them. Bug spray and sun screen are constant companions.  Or celebrating my birthday with grandkids. I've celebrated six b-days with ALS- and counting!



Attending one of our grandchildren's school activities.

Yup that's me, out-and-about, using head-mouse technology (see the silver ball on vmax+).  Just move, hover cursor over a word or phrase and talk. Cool voice choices too. I can type a phrase and speak it too.


I made this whole website using only my vmax+ and head-mouse technology. 


The pads around my head allow me to fully operate my chair. Just touch and go. Better than staying at home huh!

A good look at my life using a full-time vent and feeding tube. You know, a mind, full of ideas and experiences to pass on, is a terrible thing to waste. Especially given today's technologies!

Me and my girls enjoying the outdoors!

Favorite outside activity: racing my granddaughter, as she rides her tricycle in the driveway. Somehow, she always seems to win!

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